The Basics Series by Karen Bjornstad.
Karen Bjornstad, former ISM director at Calvary Chapel, Madison, created these Bible studies for use with international students, The funding for this project was made possible through a grant from the Siebert Foundation, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Karen created twenty lessons that cover basic Christian beliefs. With the help of Teresa Fairow, the material includes a student and leader's guide for each lesson. The material may be printed at local ISM sites at no cost. The material is copyrighted by ISM, Inc. and should not be sold. All of the lessons are available in pdf format.
Karen created twenty lessons that cover basic Christian beliefs. With the help of Teresa Fairow, the material includes a student and leader's guide for each lesson. The material may be printed at local ISM sites at no cost. The material is copyrighted by ISM, Inc. and should not be sold. All of the lessons are available in pdf format.
Lesson 1: The source of life
All cultures have ideas about the beginnings of life and especially about the origins of human life. What are the most common beliefs in your culture about how life on earth began? How do you personally think that life began? The Bible makes very clear statements about the origin of all things, non-living things as well as living things
Lesson 2: who is the spirit of god?
When people in your country have a decision to make, what kind of moral or spiritual principles do they use as a guide? The Spirit of God is talked about in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Bible says that the Spirit of God was present with God’s people during Old Testament times and later times.
Lesson 3: Jesus, savior of the world
Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, disobeyed God and lost the intimate relationship they had with God. But God promised them a Savior, someone to take away the pain of sin and death, and restore a right relationship between God and man. In Old Testament times, God’s people, the Israelites, turned to God in times of trouble and prayed that He would help them and save them.
Lesson 4: the father and i are one
In the beginning of the world, God and man had a very close relationship and walked and talked in the Garden of Eden. When Adam and Eve disobeyed, that relationship was broken, but God promised them a Savior and continued to love them. Throughout Old Testament times, God spoke to His people through prophets, but many people did not know God. In time, God chose to speak to us more directly.
Lesson 5: God's law
Lesson 6: Jesus and God's Law
lesson 7: free at last
Lesson 8: Jesus and eternal Life
Lesson 9: Someone's knocking
Lesson 11: The light of the world
Lesson 12: my righteous servant
Lesson 13: jesus the vine
Lesson 14: new life
Lesson 15: lord, heal me
Lesson 16: I wish, i wish
lesson 17: talking to god
God wants us to communicate with Him. He has told us this. He himself has communicated with us in many ways. He has spoken to us through the prophets; through His Son, Jesus Christ; and through the Bible. In the book of Psalms, we can see how God’s people communicated with Him through prayer thousands of years ago.
Lesson 18: can I Help you?
We often want to avoid a certain job. If we had a servant, that is the job we would give the servant. Jesus’ whole life, including His death, was the life of a servant. He was a servant to each one of us. The evening before He died, He had a special meal with His disciples. At that time, Jesus taught them a very special lesson by washing their feet.
Lesson 19: race to Win