Sharing Resources
These Bible studies and other helps will guide you in ministering among international students and scholars. Hover over each list item to see the title more clearly, then click the + to see a description and reveal a download button.
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The Basics of Christian Beliefs
Twenty lessons that cover basic Christian beliefs. The material includes a student and leader's guide for each lesson. The material may be printed at local ISM sites at no cost. The material is copyrighted by ISM, Inc. and should not be sold. All of the lessons are free and available in pdf format.
Followers of Jesus
The Follower of Jesus Study is designed to teach what it means to be a follower of Christ Jesus.
Biblical World View
A study developed by Rev. Mike Paul, which helps participants learn the Biblical world view and how it differs from other world views.
Topical ism studies
This topical Bible study for internationals was developed by Rev. Mike Paul, who was a missionary in Asia.
Leading a Bible
Study This resource offers a complete list of basic guidelines for beginning a Bible study among international students.
In-depth BIBLE study
This in-depth Bible study is perfect for helping your students study what Lutherans call the six chief parts: the 10 Commandments, the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, Baptism, the Lord’s Supper and the Office of the Keys. Illustration for Lesson 7 is available, or you can make your own. Please contact Rev. Paul Hoemann for more information at [email protected].
Getting Started
with International Friendships A practical guide for reaching out with friendship and love to international students and their families, helping them to practice speaking English, learning about American culture, and showing and sharing your Christian faith through conversation.
Things to Know on Your Campus
Important information that you can gather to understand the unique characteristics of your college/university campus.
International Student Information Form
This form helps directors and teachers gather helpful information about international students who participate in ISM programs.
Guide to the First Meeting
This is a practical guide for the first meeting between an international student and dirctor or volunteer. The first meeting need not be so formal, but this guide will help clear up potential misunderstandings. The goal is for all present to get to know one another and how to relate to one another.
Finding and Meeting International Students
There are as many ways to initiate relationships with internationals as there are nationalities. This article offers suggestions for your campus ministry or congregation.
ISM Committee Guidelines
To increase awareness of international student ministry in a community, local congregations can form an ISM Committee. This committee would be the link between the local international student ministry site and the members of a specific congregation. This resource provides a sample of committee guidelines.
Conversation Starters
A helpful resource to begin meaningful conversations with international students.
Developing Friendships
As your friendship develops with an international student, you will find this article helpful and full of excellent suggestions.
Ministry among International Children
Many international students ask, "How do I become a follower of Jesus?" This study takes you step-by-step in becoming a Christian.
Outreach Activities
There's something special about doing things together as a community. Jesus said our love for one another would be the true sign of His presence. Here are some activities that some campus ministries have tried which have been successful.
Weekly Gathering Ideas
What some new and fresh ideas, use this article as a resource for planning your next weekly meeting with international students.
What Is a True Lutheran
by Pastor and Missionary, Bernie Lutz
What Is a True Lutheran had it's birth in South Sudan as a seminar on Lutheranism. It took time to develop and is intentionally written to include thousands of foreign students who study in the U.S.